Get Your Organization on our Job Board for Companies Advancing DEI Efforts
Providing the right resources, tools and connections to the businesses in our region that are ready to make change is key to Prosper CO's goals. We’ve launched the Prosper CO Top 10 and Prosper Compass, the diversity benchmarking tool, and now as part of this effort, we are launching a portion of our job board specifically for organizations that are advancing their diversity, equity and inclusion work, based on the Prosper CO Top 10.
We believe that this job board will signal to a more diverse candidate pool, and all potential applicants, that these listed employers are committed to creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace and economy.
To get your organization on our DEI job board, take our Prosper CO Top 10 Survey to indicate what Top 10 actions your organization is implementing. This survey also helps us understand what our employers and members are doing regarding best practices, so we may develop the right tools and resources to support your efforts.
The survey data will not be released to the public, but we ask you to identify your business, so we know to list you on the job board.
While this survey focuses in on your practices and goals to help Prosper CO create more relevant tools and resources, this survey also creates a conversation within your workspace around DEI efforts and what can be done to further them.
Please email for any questions or concerns.
Prosper CO Launches Diversity-Benchmarking Tool for Employers
The Denver Metro Chamber’s Prosper CO initiative has created Compass, a diversity-benchmark tool to help employers reflect and analyze their workplace’s diversity. As the Harvard Business Review suggests, Compass provides Colorado organizations the opportunity to compare their workforce data to the region’s diversity data to create awareness about the diversity of their organization. This awareness helps organizations create goals for the future and form an action plan that supports the changes they want to see in their workforce. Without reflecting on our own workplaces, we cannot progress in our goal of making Colorado’s economy one that works for all people.
This tool has come at a crucial time for employers in Colorado. Women and BIPOC workers are disproportionately represented within the income bracket earning $45,000 or less, with women making up 53% and people of color making up 32% of workers in this bracket. Meanwhile, women and BIPOC workers are underrepresented in the $68,000 and above income bracket, with women only making up 34% and people of color making up 11% of this bracket.
With this data in mind, Colorado employers must critically observe our own workplaces and see how they can implement best practices, so we can be a part of creating an economy that works for all. This is one of the reasons why Prosper CO created Compass – to provide organizations with a tool to make self-reflection more streamlined and easy to observe.
Another purpose for Compass is to help organizations create goals for the future and form an action plan to support better pay for their employees. By joining Compass and increasing your workplace transparency, you will attract a more diverse workforce, giving you access to new and innovative ideas that will progress your company. Additionally, every organization that utilizes Compass helps Prosper CO expand its data to eventually compare organizations by size of company or industry.
Getting involved with Compass shows that your organization has an interest and dedication to implementing best practices, and this effort could be the first step in your company’s reformation journey. Email the Prosper team to learn more about how Compass can impact your workplace today!
Prosper CO is ready to provide resources, best practices, connections or consulting to help you set goals based on your Prosper Compass results.
Looking for more ways to positively impact diversity and best workplace practices? Take our Prosper CO Top 10 Survey to help us learn what our members are practicing, this way we can provide the best resources, tools and support to our community.
The Push for Affordable Housing in Denver
Housing affordability has long been an issue not only in Denver, but across Colorado. The Denver Metro Chamber's Prosper CO is actively working to increase workforce housing options in the Denver Metro region.
As part of the Chamber’s advocacy work both at the state and local levels, we are prioritizing housing policy that increases the supply of homes in Colorado, with a focus on homeownership for families that make 60-120% area median income. Because we know that homeownership continues to be the most common way to build wealth in our nation, we are prioritizing policies that increase homeownership, such as those that:
● Increase flexible zoning codes to allow for duplexes, triplexes and quads.
● Establish better incentives for developers to build affordable housing.
● Reduce costs and burdens for developing affordable housing.
● Reduce time for permitting approval where needed.
● Address the lack of data and coordination by funding regional approaches and making more transparent data available when possible.
● Accelerate the mapping and use of public or other available land for development.
Read more about our policy priorities related to housing.
The Chamber board and Prosper CO have heard from many employers that this is an issue they want to solve and are ready to engage in advocacy and partnerships.
As an example, in November, Prosper CO activated its network of community leaders and employers on behalf of Denver Metro Habitat for Humanity to advocate for a zoning change for a vacant cul-de-sac in Aurora that will allow for the development of 20 workforce homes. These homes will be available for homebuyers making up to 80% of the area median income, or about $79,000 annually for a family of four. Prosper CO asked four large employers to contact an Aurora city councilman to advocate for the project. That councilman’s swing vote became a “Yes” vote, and the zoning change was approved.
This is a win for attainable housing in the Denver area and will allow families to build wealth through homeownership. Recent studies have shown that renting in most of Colorado is cheaper than buying a home, with the average Denver home costing $677,607 in December. However, homeownership is still the cheaper option in many counties across the United States. These statistics prove that Colorado is in desperate need of housing that is tailored to its workforce, and Prosper CO is working to fill this need.
The lack of workforce housing options is a barrier to both families and local businesses. Not only does it prohibit our region from growing its workforce, but many communities cannot afford to house their workers, meaning that an already established workforce is getting priced out of its own community.
While the approval for the affordable housing project in Aurora is a great step in the right direction, Prosper CO knows that we must proactively advocate for more flexible zoning at the municipal level, not just project by project.
The Chamber is also tracking state-level legislation, now that the 2022 legislative session is underway. Lawmakers recently introduced House Bill 1051, which extends the affordable housing tax credit for another 10 years after its set expiration in 2024, and it increases the allocation from $10 million to $15 million annually from 2023 to 2034. The Chamber and Prosper CO support this bill, seeing it as a step in the right direction for increasing our affordable housing options.
Follow the 2022 legislative session with the Chamber and stay informed on Prosper CO’s work.